Successful, Paperless Face-to-Face Training FAQ

Q: What tech do I need to run a paperless face-to-face training course? Each delegate plus the trainer will need access to WiFi plus either a laptop (preferable) or a tablet.  Delegates can either bring their own devices, or these can be supplied by the training company. Q: I’m worried about the delegates distributing my … Continued

Why eLearning is NOT taking over the world

It’s good, but … There is a lot of buzz around regarding eLearning, blended learning, online learning etc. For companies, it provides an opportunity to save big dollars on their corporate training costs.  For staff, it allows them greater flexibility because they can fit training in around their busy schedules, re-watch parts they didn’t understand … Continued

10 Tips to Mastering your Next Business Presentation

A successful business presentation is much more than just slides! To make your business presentation engaging and effective takes practice. What really makes a good business presentation stand out boils down to two main things: engaging your audience and knowing your material. However, if you follow a few more tips, you will be all set … Continued

A Beginners’ Guide to Effective Public Speaking

Public speaking is one of most people’s deepest fears, and even those who are proficient public speakers do get nervous beforehand. It is all about getting noticed by the audience when you are on stage and getting them to listen to what you have to say. Also known as glossophobia, the fear of public speaking … Continued

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