Our Training Delivery Platform Improved with 3 New Features

The team here are excited to announce that three new product features have been rolled out to all existing Prezentt customers.

We have now completed three major new areas of functionality that many training companies have been asking for, and we are pleased to say all of our customers now have access to them.

The three features are;

  • Invitations
  • Branded accounts
  • Surveys

Let me explain these new product features in some more detail.


Our invitations feature allows you to upload your attendee details, such as name and email address, and then Prezentt will automatically send out invitations to join Prezentt and attend your training session.

We believe you’ll find this very useful in reducing significant administration time for trainers in their out of course training preparation.

Upload Email Tracking

Branded accounts

We now have the ability to setup multiple organisations under a single Prezentt account, allowing you to separate administration and presentation tasks.

The big benefit here though, is the ability to brand Prezentt with your own logo, therefore tying in your branding more effectively across your training materials.


A large new product feature we are pleased to launch, is the ability to run post training surveys. This gives you the ability to immediately collect feedback online from participants of your training courses.

In addition to enabling receiving useful feedback much easier, we also detect if someone has given a very high rating, and if they have, we prompt the attendee to share this with their social networks, along with your logo and links to your upcoming courses.

This is a very exciting feature as your attendees are helping you sell more courses – we’re positive you will find this feature very useful!

Survey Ratings

More features on their way!

We have even more exciting product features not far away, and are constantly taking on feedback and feature requests from our customers.

We are very keen to hear from our customers what they think of these new features, and if they find them useful. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.

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