7 Ways to Make your Meetings More Productive


On average, we all spend 37% of our time in meetings and presentations.

If you’re in management, that figure could easily be much higher.  It also doesn’t include time spent in meeting follow-up or preparation.

Given that meetings and presentations are such a big part of every company, any improvements you can make will have a huge impact.

Here’s how you can use Prezentt to raise productivity in your meetings:

  1. Gather ideas & input from everyone: rather than just getting input from the extroverts and those that love the sound of their own voice, Prezentt gives a voice to everyone in the room … even the shy ones who often have the best ideas.
  2. No more butcher paper: rather than manually writing ideas/notes on paper flip charts, write them electronically in Prezentt. Everyone can see what’s being written, they’re easy to distribute afterwards, and no one needs to re-type anything (or figure out messy handwriting!).
  3. Distribute minutes in seconds: allocate someone to take the official minutes of the meeting using Prezentt then simply download the secretary’s notes as a PDF [note: this feature will be available within the next 2 weeks] & send them around to everyone at the end of the meeting.  No more messing around with paper!
  4. Distribute notes & slides automatically: Prezentt takes care of all this for you automatically as soon as the presentation finishes.  No need to figure out how to send large files … in fact, there’s no need to do anything!
  5. Centralized content: if you create any new files during the meeting, put them straight into Prezentt so everyone can access them immediately – even files that are too big to e-mail.  No need to figure out how to send these anymore.
  6. Always access notes: notes are stored right alongside the slides in Prezentt so attendees can login and access these any time they want.  No risk of misplacing these anymore.
  7. Record who attended: Prezentt automatically keeps a record of everyone who attended each meeting that can be exported to CSV with one click, ready for importing into other programs.

So don’t think of Prezentt as something that’s only useful for presenting at conferences!  It’s perfect for enhancing your meetings too.

P.S. check out how Prezentt makes all your training sessions so much better too!


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